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First Preserved Dinosaur Anus Found In China [Images]

The discovery of the first preserved dinosaur anus in China in October 2020 has conveyed new information to paleontologists worldwide. According to new research, this part of the body, was used for multiple functions, earning the name, “cloacal ventilation”. Accordingly, the rear part of dinosaurs was used for the excretion of feces and urine, but… Read more »

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Microsoft Files For Bot Patent That Mimics Loved Ones Who Have Died

Microsoft has just registered a patent, which will allow the company to create a bot that simulates conversations from individuals who have died using images, voice data, social networking posts, electronic messages, and other personal data. With that, it will be possible for the program to simulate a specific person, they can be a past… Read more »

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Harry Potter: Tom Ascheim Chosen To Expand The Universe With New Projects

Warner Bros announced that Tom Ascheim, former Director of classic, kids and young adults productions, will be the new Director to manage the Wizarding Universe of Harry Potter. Ann Sarnoff, president of WarnerMedia Studios, made official the nomination of Ascheim as director of the Harry Potter franchise. His duties will be to oversee the “Wizarding… Read more »

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Rumor: Captain America To Fight Wolverine In New Marvel Movie

This year, 2021, has already revealed plenty of bombshell news for all of the fans: the return of Chris Evans as Captain America to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As an exclusive to Deadline, it was revealed that there are negotiations between Chris and Marvel to bring the actor back in other films, and not a… Read more »

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Henry Cavill Reportedly Will Join The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Henry Cavill is reportedly in talks to join Marvel. How will DC fans react? 2021 has started with everything going well for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, since this last weekend they premiered their first series, ‘WandaVision’, and days before it was announced that Chris Evans, who played ‘Captain America’ from the outset of this new… Read more »

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X-Men: Voice Actor Leaks Peter Evans’ MCU Debut In WandaVision

This is great news for X-Men fans, who can’t wait to see movies where mutants and Avengers share a screen. A Mexican dubbing actor has just released a tremendous spoiler of what’s coming up in WandaVision, the new Marvel Studios series for the Streaming Disney+ platform. According to the voice actor, Peter Evans will appear… Read more »