Michel is very close to his ‘puppy’, however, he had no idea that the pet, the one that lay next to him and followed him everywhere, was a freaking wolf!

This story began when Michel, a German man, moved to live in Galicia, Spain, and there he acquired a Czechoslovakian wolf dog (breed that emerged from a croos between German shepherd and European wolf), or so he thought and the impression he had for three long years raising this wolf.

He had all the documentation in order for the canid including a regulations identification chip.

But for years, his neighbors suspected that Michel’s dog was suspiciously beginning to look like it came out of a Hollywood werewolf movie.

One of his neighbors probably contemplated the situation and thought: “oh no no my brother, I will not become an attractive delicious snack for your wolf looking pupper,” they called the Orense Civil Guard and the investigations began.

The Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Comandancia from the province reported on November 14, that a resident from Quintela de Leirado had a canid on a farm near his home whos behavior and Morphology resembles wolf.

After inspecting the animal, the Seprona collected a biological sample on February 10, 2020 and sent it to get analyzed. The objective was to use the DNA sample and determine the breed of this, noticeable wolf looking dog.

The tests were carried out by the Department of the Environment of the Criminal Guard Service of the Civil Guard.

“The genetic profile of the biological samples analyzed were obtained, and it was confirmed that it was a sample of Canis lupus signatus (Iberian Wolf),” explained the Civil Guard in a press release.

The wolf had had three hybrid puppies after being crossed with a common dog, who were also in the care of the owner.

Since February 12, the four animals are in the custody of the Natural Heritage Service of the Ministry of Environment from the Xunta de Galicia. Their owner voluntarily handed the dogs over to them.

So, in order to prevent these scares, it is better to adopt an animal from the pound or even off the street. However, if you are willing to live with a wild and dangerous animal, then get yourself a Chihuahua, they are the smallest and most fiercest dogs from hell.


Written by Cesar Moya