From her solo film (which served as a bridge between Infinity War and Endgame) it was clear that she wielded enormous power and an ability to combat, factors that allowed her to fight at almost the same level as Thanos.

Her great physical strength, her ability to fly and her skill to release proton energy through her arms make her a powerful ally for the Avengers. In fact, it can be said that she is almost invincible.

However, that power of invulnerability could leave her thanks to an old rival who has given her a lot of trouble in the comics: Rogue, from the X-Men, who is likely to have her MCU debut in Captain Marvel 2.


Beyond the desires of the fans, there is a way in which Rogue could cross the path of Captain Marvel and it wouldn’t be forced or unheard of.

In The Uncanny X-Men, Rogue was originally a villain and a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, led by Mystique. Before finally joining the ranks of the X-Men, Rogue used her powers to take away the energy, power and memories from the then known Mrs. Marvel.

At that time, Mystique had a relationship with a mutant named Destiny, and both adopted Rogue as their daughter.

Destiny had the ability to see the future and in one of his premonitions he saw how Carol hurt Rogue. Mystique, in an outburst of maternal feeling, decided that it was best to kill Mrs. Marvel.

Rogue, upon hearing the prophecy the mutant, decides to act on her own. Her plan was simple: catch Carol, steal her powers and throw her from the Golden Gate.

But everything gets complicated when, due to her teenage inexperience, Rogue absorbs the power of Captain Marvel permanently, as well as part of her memories and her personality.

Both suffered the aftermath of that event. Rogue tried to atone for her sins and remove Carol forever from her head, so she joined the X-Men. As for Carol, she also asked Professor Xavier for help.

Some time later, even though Rogue had already proven herself a hero, Carol still mistrusted her, and they even fought on several occasions.


In the MCU movies, Brie Larson personified Captain Marvel with a conceited attitude which she portrayed convincingly. This might be the reason why they would throw in Rogue, humbling and showing her she is not as unstoppable as she thinks she is.

If the X-Men manages to leave Carol vulnerable, she will have to learn not to depend on her powers since force is not the only way to resolve conflicts.


And if Rogue absorbs the Avenger’s abilities, we will have two super-powerful women who in subsequent installments could have significant battles between them. They could even start a rivalry like Tony and Steve’s.

The best thing is that the introduction of Rogue could happen organically, since she is a known rival of Captain Marvel.

If they base it on the comic, Rogue feeling remorse for the damage she caused to Carol, can end up seeking a place to get help, and that would introduce the X-Men in to the Avengers Cinematic Universe.


Written by Cesar Moya