We’ve had a rough year and it still hasn’t ended. Fires, volcanoes, hurricanes, refugee crises, giant hornets, and of course the coronavirus pandemic. 2020 is completely full of disasters that it is difficult to summarize it all, however, this video does it.

“2020 Portrayed By Marvel” is the title of the montage that compiles the most important milestones of this year. From the fires in Australia to the explosion in Beirut, coronavirus, quarantine, the US elections, the BlackLivesMatter, and a very fond farewell to Chadwick Boseman.

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The worst part or the best is that the video reviews all the nonsense so far experienced this year using scenes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and, appropriately labeled or adjusted for greater understanding. The parody comes to us from Supercuts Delight and is one of those in which you go from smiling to uneasiness and back to smiling.

Be prepared to have your emotional state thrown off balance:

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Written by Cesar Moya