Fans of “Futurama” assure that the series created by Matt Groening has always been ahead of its time, similar to the series of the Simpsons, it became a reference for pop culture. There is even a scene that has cast doubt on the originality of the most remembered scene involving Quicksilver from “X-Men: Days of Future Past.”

The clip in question shows Pietro, a Marvel mutant moving so fast, everything else seems to be going in slow motion around him. During the initial stage of an explosion, the character wanders around the school saving everyone from the oncoming blast. All of this occurs while “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics plays in the background.

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The scene was so popular, that it has been referenced in various audiovisual media, it even duped us into believing the character played by Evan Peters, after re-emerging in the Disney Plus series, “WandaVision”, was reprising his original role to the fullest.

“Futurama” went through a cancellation in 2003; however, fans’ suggestions were heard by Fox, who ended up giving the production, set three thousand years after of Christ, another attempt.

In the fifth season, episode 11, they reveal a plot scene in which Fry, its protagonist, drinks 100 cups of coffee after finding a 300 dollar bill.

Throughout the entire episode, the character exhibits various emotional swings each time he drinks a cup. The incident culminates when Fry takes his 100th, after which he enters a state of super speed.

This allows him to save people from a fire, very similar to what happens with Quicksilver in the movie that was released three years later.

Written by Cesar Moya