Video games have become a great source of resources for cinematography, so more and more stories are being brought to the big screen, which is why Nintendo fans have been asking for a successful adaptation. For a long time now, they have been wanting to see a live-action Zelda series or movie, with that in mind, this is what Hayden Christensen would look like as Link from ‘The Legend of Zelda’. What?

‘The Legend of Zelda’ is one of Nintendo’s most beloved franchises, its number of fans has grown over the years, becoming one of the the company’s most popular sagas, however, the story still does not have its film version.

Without a doubt, ‘The Legend of Zelda’ has all the elements that Hollywood looks for and that are pleasing to the public, so it is a surprise that there is still no film based on this fantastic world. Fans have been left with the desire to see a live-action version of Link, so to satisfy that hunger, we now know what the character would look like if he were played by Hayden Christensen.


The digital artist, isatonic, decided to create a design that shows Christensen characterized as Link, the protagonist of the story, and although the actor has been widely criticized for his performance in the ‘Star Wars’ prequels, after seeing the image, it really isn’t a bad fit.

Although the video game has several installments, ‘Ocarina of Time’ would be the main option to take the video game to the cinema, however, it is possible that the studio that decides to carry out the adaptation will end up combining several stories, something that surely will no longer be to the liking of the fans, since what they expect is a faithful adaptation of the game.

This is how we got a first glimpse of Hayden Christensen as Link from ‘The Legend of Zelda’, a film that could give a second wind to the actor’s career, unfortunately, no studio has been interested in taking the story to the cinema, although of course, this could change when ‘Breath of the Wild 2’ hits stores.

Written by Cesar Moya