‘The Mandalorian’ went from bounty hunter to being the surrogate father of an extraordinary green creature. Mando is not very affectionate, but with the little knowledge that has emerged about the character and his species it is normal to be lost when it comes to raising the child. So if one day in the near Star Wars future you are asked to care for a Baby Yoda, it will necessary to know everything you can about their diet, physical development and perhaps their mental state.

It seems that Baby Yoda can hunt for his own food, as we saw in the second episode when he devoured a frog. This self-sufficiency is important, but only when it is not in space. The important thing here is that the species is carnivorous, but the Jedi Master has also been seen consuming roots and fungi. Root stew was an important part of Yoda’s vegan diet, but his nutritional needs are likely to change over the years.

The Force
As we saw in the series, he was able to use the force when Mando was in danger, of course, this knocked him out for a while. The level of power is not well known, hopefully he never destroys the space ship because he didn’t get his way or from simply throwing a tantrum. The good thing is that the characters we’ve met are quite peaceful. Perhaps the closest to the Dark Side was Minch, a Jedi knight who appeared in “Star Wars Tales #16, Heart of Darkness.” For inferiority complexes above its height, it disobeys orders to search for the Dark Jedi Dagobah. He is just a baby now with some issues and it makes us wonder if adolescence will be a tricky stage for Baby Yoda.

From the first episode of ‘The Mandalorian’ we know that the adorable little being is 50 years old, but he still does not speak which is why he is considered a baby. On the other hand, the Jedi Master was 900 years old when he died in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’, he told Luke that he had trained for 800 years and had reached the master’s level at age 100. Meaning that Baby Yoda still lacks another 50 years to reach that rank.

The Jedi master is known for mixing up the words in his prayers, but will the same thing happen with this little creature? In the game ‘Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic’, as well as in the comic ‘Knights of the Old Republic’ we met another member of the same species, Vandar Tokare. His prayers and grammar were similar that of human, so it all depends on where the creature develops. It seems that Mando, who knows little about caring for Baby Yoda, will teach him the right way.

Speaking In A Forward Pattern
Why would you even think about doing this? Speaking like Yoda takes skill, talent and practice. You’re a monster. Get some help.