A company has created an emulator for Nintendo able to change the graphics of the original games from the NES and empower them with a 3D appearance. It is already listed on Steam and scheduled to launch on June 19.
Emulators have made it possible for millions of games to be replayed, kept, and enjoyed once again. However, its functions can do much more than just simply “emulate”.

Most emulators are made for more powerful platforms than the ones they imitate and therefore it is not uncommon to see that some offer graphic improvements, rescaled to higher resolutions and even mods for games that never had these an options.
Still, what the Geod company just released on Steam deserves recognition, as its new emulator, 3dSen, has achieved something unimaginable so far: the classic Nintendo NES games have complete 3D graphics.

This is not a simple trick that allows us to rotate the perspective of the screen a little – as some photo effects do on Facebook. 3dSen does a complete render of everything in the game, creating 3D objects from sprites and background elements, enabling us to rotate the viewing angle to our preference.

The best example of this appears in the classic Super Mario Bros, because with this emulator we can rotate the screen until we see what is inside the pipes where the plumber enters. Doesn’t that blow your mind? You’ll be able to see it on the Youtube video.

The video from youtuber Patton Plays clearly shows that it uses relatively advanced technology, at least for an emulator. Many of us might think that the technique is based on artificial intelligence, but from what is read on its official page on Steam, it is intended to only support specific titles, but this will grow over time.

The video shows classics like Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, the first The Legend of Zelda , the classic Circus Charlie ,Megaman, Castlevania, Dr. Mario, Bomberman, Bubble Bobble, Ghost N ‘Goblins, Pacman and even modern homebrews like the Flappy Bird version for NES.

Other 3dSen details include support for controls, minimized input lag, saving games with save states and dynamic game backgrounds (known as ‘skyboxes’). In addition, the emulator also has a version for virtual reality glasses called 3dSen VR. You can check its official page on Steamthrough this link.