A kayaker in North Carolina is rowing along in his kayak enjoying his time on the water. He slows down to adjust his direction and continues on his way. Then, out of NOWHERE; like out of a scene from JAWS, a gator comes from the left and charges at him.

The gator knocks the kayaker into the water, but thankfully he is strapped in and just needs to readjust his balance. As he emerges from the water shaken by the encounter; the kayaker takes a moment to catch his breath as he is shaken from the encounter. 

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He gratefully pats ol’ faithful and kisses his kayak as it survived the gator encounter and kept him afloat. After about 45 seconds later, after he collects himself, he quickly takes off away from the vicinity of the gator towards safety. But then again, are you ever truly safe in a natural habitat?

Written by Iris Moya