All ‘One Punch-Man’ fans have been very excited since Sony Pictures announced that they will do the difficult task of adapting this popular anime, to a live-action, and nobody can wait to see who will be part of the cast for this movie. And that’s why a poster featuring Ryan Reynolds as Saitama has been revealed and is driving many crazy.

Even though not much information has been revealed at the moment about the upcoming ‘One Punch-Man’ movie, fans are starting to cast who they want to bring life to this world full of superheroes and monsters. Various names have sounded ranging from Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, and various Hollywood stars to be part of the project.

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But for now all fans have been thunderstruck to see Ryan Reynolds fan art in Saitama’s shoes, becoming the articulation that all fans want from the studio. Admittedly, Reynolds has become relatively popular lately, and part of that success is due to his incredible portrayal of Deadpool, and everyone is sure he could do the same in the role of Saitama.

It was thanks to Reddit user Zarting, who shared this amazing Ryan Reynolds Fan art as Saitama, giving the anime character an actor who could really do him justice on the big screen

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Far removed from the live-action adaptation of ‘One Punch-Man’, the third part of his anime has yet to be confirmed, despite the fact that the second season ended in a cliffhanger, so many fans will have to be patient to see how this incredible story is solved.

My roommate and I think Ryan Reynolds would be a great Saitama, so I made this poster.
byu/Zarting inOnePunchMan

Written by Cesar Moya