One of the great mysteries that has for decades been disturbing the Force and all the fans of Star Wars is finally revealed. The number 25 issue of the series ‘Darth Vader: Dark Lord Of The Sith’ an official comic of the galactic universe, has revealed who is the father of Anakin Skywalker, the central character of the saga who eventually became the most famous villain of the film history: Darth Vader.

Marvel Comics


The great revelation from this mystery of the birth of Anakin Skywalker finally confirms a great fan theory about who was really responsible for the pregnancy of his mother. A twist not unexpected, but it does change the mythology of Star Wars forever.

But before pointing out the new canonical origins of ‘The Chosen One’, the man who was called to bring balance to the Force, it is necessary to remember several things. The first one, as Shmi Skywalker said, the mother of Anakin, in ‘Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace’, the young man has no father.

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That’s what she told the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, when he perceived the highest concentration of midi-chlorians he had ever seen in the slave boy, he quickly asked his mother about Anakin’s provenance.

“There was no father, I took him, I gave birth, I raised him, I can not explain what happened,” she answered.

Something that led Star Wars fans to think of a virgin birth, a point with clear religious references that enhanced Anakin’s messianic aura. In fact, Qui-Gon Jinn assumed that Anakin was a son of the Force, which explained his particular relationship with it.

In fact, the Jedi teacher explains to Anakin that the midi-chlorians are microscopic organisms that live inside all living beings, they live in symbiosis with us and that without them life would not be possible.

In addition, the Jedi says that without them we would not know the existence of the Force either because these organisms “speak to us and communicate the will of the force.” And, most importantly, midi-chlorians are also an indicator of the potential of each Jedi apprentice, the greater their concentration, the stronger the force. Anakin Skywalker’s midi-chlorian count was the highest ever recorded.

Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 25:
Fortress Vader, Part VII

Marvel Comics

But now the comic gives a twist to the virgin origin of Anakin, noting that although he was created by the Force… it was by the intervention of the Dark Side. And, as the comic reveals, Anakin had no father as such, but his mother was pregnant through the manipulation of her uterus by the Sith… and more specifically Emperor Palpatine.

So indeed and yes, the closest thing to a father Anakin had was Darth Sidious, the man known publicly as Sheev Palpatine and who would later become the tyrant Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

Written by Cesar Moya