“The Platform” is a hit on Netflix. So much so that many people still can’t get over the film. While Netflix proposed to its producer to think about a possible “The Platform 2” or an English remake, its director Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia spoke with the Collider site on the message he wanted to convey and commented on the ending of the movie.

When asked about the end of La Pateforme , Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia remains unclear. “That’s something that you should ask society. It’s up to all of us… It depends on whether we want to remain the most miserable species that have ever set foot on this planet or if we want to…”

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But who is hiding behind the Administration which governs the Pit? “That’s a minor issue… he proceeds. “What matters is what each of us do with the cards that we got… This happens at the level at which we are at… Of course we have to protest and report injustice but… Are we going to keep shielding ourselves so that others – people or power structures – do it wrongly so that we don’t do what we have to do?”

As for the message delivered by the Platform, Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia disputes that it is a social criticism. “I don’t feel authorized at all to tell anyone what to do. The film only aspires to expose, not to indoctrinate or to lecture. And, of course, there are many who do what they have to do, but most of us spent the day looking for excuses…”

Written by Cesar Moya