The Batman, the new Batman film directed by Matt Reeves, is currently on pause due to the pandemic, but should soon be shooting again in England. However, fans hope to be able to see a trailer, a poster or new official image, something that shows more of the hero’s costume played by Robert Pattinson, in DC Fandome.

The event will bring news from DC, about the comics, TV series and what’s coming to theaters. In anticipation of all the news we may see there, artist Datrinti decided to create yet another incredible art with Pattinson in the Batman suit, showing how the hero’s costume should look like in live-action film, after all the post-production work.

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The artist shared the image with the caption “DC Fandome or Justice Con, whatever it is, please just release a trailer”. In the image, we can see an exceptionally great interpretation of the what the artist thinks Batman’s costume should look like in the film.

Inspired by the leaked images that have already been released and the teaser that shows the hood along with the symbol on his chest, the complete costume is incredibly detailed and full of gadgets that would make any Bat-Fan thrilled to see this look in a movie.

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Tiago Ribeiro

Written by Cesar Moya