Scrutinizing the images of her street on Google Maps, this Indonesian was surprised to find her mother there, who died four years ago.

Google Maps images sometimes offer users the ability to go back in time and see things as they were many years ago. Indonesian Ledia Elan Safitri even got to see her deceased mother there, which made her both happy and sad.

As she recounted in a video posted on social media, it was her friends who asked her to show them her old house. As it turned out, the footage of the street was taken over four years before, since they showed her mother walking along the road, alive and in good health.

“My mother passed away four years ago. But on Google Maps she is in very good health, ”she said, while thanking the technological service for this opportunity.

Although these captured images made her emotional, she was very happy to see them considering she previously lost her cell phone, which contained most of her mother’s photos.

The story of this woman touched Internet users, which has been viewed on video format more than 3,700,000 times.

Written by Cesar Moya