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Why more military spending is a bad idea | Christopher Preble

Read more at BigThink.com: Follow Big Think here: YouTube: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigThinkdotcom Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigthink Christopher Preble: It’s true the U.S. military is a costly enterprise. It cost us more as a share of our total output during the Cold War,…

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Independence Day 1941 | Flashback | History

As World War II raged in Europe and North Africa, the United States celebrated its Independence Day in July 1941. It was looking increasingly likely that the U.S. would enter the war, and President Franklin Roosevelt delivered an address that…

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Battle of Midway – War Room | History

Seven months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, American and Japanese forces clashed over Midway Atoll, a dot of land in the middle of the Pacific. The Battle of Midway tested intelligence and combat capabilities on both sides, and would…

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Flashback: Memorial Day – 1936 | History

In the shadow of Hitler’s rise to power, Americans observe Memorial Day in 1936 with a sense that another worldwide conflict might be on the horizon. General John Pershing, who led America’s forces during WWI, argues that peace should be…