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We’ve Had Baby Yoda, Now It’s Time For Baby Jar Jar Binks

Baby Yoda Will now have serious competition now that Baby Jar Jar is here. Jar Jar Binks received the brunt of the prequel hate over 20 years ago, fans loved to hate him. While the adult Jar Jar Binks was quite annoying (for most people) on the big screen, Baby Jar Jar is adorable. Star… Read more »

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Jar Jar Binks Voiced By Morgan Freeman Might Change How You Feel About Him

The Star Wars prequals universe have undoubtedly been extremely disliked, as some of them did not quite please the large number of fans that the Dtar Wars universe has and perhaps one of the characters they hated most was Jar Jar Binks. Many considered his participation unnecessary, but perhaps this perspective could change if they… Read more »