We all saw him fall, even though Mace Windu, played by Samuel L Jackson, was one of the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

In 1999, George Lucas fulfilled his promise to return to the Star Wars universe and release to the world the prequal films which to this day, remain as some of the highest grossing films in history. One of the characters from this trilogy, Mace Windu, who stood out the most and was played by Samuel L. Jackson, will now make his return to the big screen and we will once again see the Jedi in all his glory.


Mace Windu was a vital figure in the films, but in the main portion of the storyline, he fell short and didn’t really do much except deny Anakin his Jedi status, almost kill Palpatine, and carry a sweet, sweet purple saber. Windu managed to disarm Palpatine, but thanks to Anakin’s intervention, the Sith Lord sent Windu to his death, throwing him from the building, and that was the last we saw of the Jedi.

It seems we missed out on a good story portion about this character in the Star Wars Cinematic Universe, since, recent reports detail that we will once again have the opportunity to see him on the big screen.

And although some fans believed that Windu survived, the production seems to be headed in a prequel direction. That’s right, rumors have it Mace will get his solo movie with the story line focused on a younger version of himself. This means we will see another actor take on the mantle of the almost Palpitine slayer.

While not much has been revealed about where these plans are headed and how this will all connect to other Star Wars series, the fact that we will see the purple saber once again, is enough to give us something to look forward to in the fandom of the galaxy far, far away.

Written by Cesar Moya