Southern Trans Atlantic Gaming or STAG has been working on this amazing product that will rev up the gameplay in your Dungeons & Dragons sessions. Check them out and you’ll see what we mean.

This app can create structures for your Tabletop game. An entire village can be created from just a few cards. The engine remembers where the trackers are, so even if they get blocked the app will remember their location.

Markers placed on flat printed scenery displaying how easily the app can be integrated with current tabletop “paper play” for Tabletop RPGs or WarGames.

Interiors are in the app as well. Taverns, houses and shops are all available already with more to come.

What would a dungeon be without at least a few traps? Various animated traps to fill your dungeons with.

Works perfectly with your existing minis.

In addition to fantasy, the app also includes scifi settings and structures. STAG will do their best to cover 40k, Starfinder, Starwars, Star Trek in a non-IP protected way.

Space station with nail polish standing in for a spaceship.

Airship for all your Steampunk, Arcanepunk, or Fantasy needs.

Can’t leave out the monsters. This was among the first, a gelatinous cube. A classic so it had to be added.

Giant purple worm, another classic for Dungeons & Dragons. One of the larger models.

Their has to be a demon for adventures to fight.

This is a Beholder we modeled. Has a lot of animations and character.

STAG has added a Dragon.

More than 50 models completed, with dozens more on the way.

If you want to find out more about this awesome augmented reality app that can be added to your Dungeons & Dragons gameplay checkout their Kickstarter.

Written by Cesar Moya