The coronavirus is presently causing economic stalemate and strong personal fetters on the population. But on the bright side: our planet is recovering rapidly. Now Tyranasaurs Rex have been sighted in the United States for the first time since they roamed the Earth about 70 million years or 6 thousand years ago.

“It is exciting,” explains biologist Dr. Henry Wu “Tyrannosaurus were considered entirely extinct in these latitudes. Now these small armed creatures, which can weigh up to 20 lbs, are regaining their former ecosystem.”

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Universal Pictures

It is believed that several of them, roughly 1000 specimens have now resettled throughout Texas, L.A and New York.

In search of sustenance, these dinosaurs are increasingly entering the vastly deserted cities. “After a few days of being quarantined, I finally went out to the front of the house, and wouldn’t you know it, a lizard tail swings right by me” says Jeff Speilberg.

Universal Pictures

Jeff sees the return of the Tyrannosaurus as evidence of nature’s tremendous regenerative abilities. “I think this is the initiation of something beautiful or a very big Tyrannosaurus wreck,” he explained.

Dr. Wu considers the first demands for hunting the giant lizard to be unnecessary: “We have already thought of reasonable measures to control the population if need be, and no, we will not call the one’s found in the second biggest state, Tyrannosaurus Tex.”

Written by Cesar Moya