With the expansion of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), new actors could join the saga, not only artists who are just starting their careers as is the norm in the franchise, but also celebrities already established in the seventh art. To this end, it was reported that Leonardo DiCaprio will be joining Marvel Studios in a future project.

The 46-year-old American actor went from just being just a pretty face on the big screen to a solid acting career, thanks to films that became both classic and blockbusters like ‘The Aviator’, ‘Inception’, ‘Blood Diamond’, ‘The Great Gatsby’, ‘Titanic’, ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, ‘The Departed’ and ‘The Revenant’, the latter won him the Oscar for Best Actor, and eradicated memes pertaining to the award-wining subject.

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Although, in his resume, the actor has roles that range from drama to suspense, the superhero subgenre is still an unknown territory for him, but unlike other famous Hollywood actors, DiCaprio does not dislike this type of production. In a previous interview for ShortList, he said he was interested in these projects, but had not yet found a suitable character, and did not rule out the idea.

Now, new media reports indicate that Leonardo DiCaprio will take part in Marvel Studios, considering the celebrity has been in talks with the house of ideas recently, for a role that is not yet known or for which movie it could be.

He is not the first Hollywood star to meet with Marvel studios to work on a future project, for example, some sources say that Keanu Reeves is contemplating wearing the mantle of the new Ghost Rider or John Krasinski, and has had negotiations with said brand.

Written by Cesar Moya