The actor Keanu Reeves has become a worldwide phenomenon beyond his acting career, due to his multiple displays of integrity that have flooded social networks, in addition to becoming an action hero in the ‘John Wick’ movie saga. His newest project, which has taken off without a hitch, a graphic novel called BRZRKR, where he insisted one of his popular memes appear, is the latest craze brought to us by this loved actor.

Keanu Reeves’ work in recent years is based on his return to iconic roles, such as ‘The Matrix 4’, as well as ‘ Bill and Ted: Face the Music ‘ and the fourth installment of John Wick, is expected that all three productions are a success given the actor’s fame, in addition to preparing a comic called BRZRKR, where an immortal warrior with an appearance very similar to the actor is in charge of some extremely brutal jobs.

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Through his social networks, the writer Donny Cates revealed that sad Keanu’s meme will appear in the BRZRKR comic at the request of Keanu himself, because in an interview he stated that it would be funny to add that famous image that went viral a few years ago where you can see the actor sitting on a bench looking quite melancholic.

Keanu Reeves’ next work will be on the film ‘Bill and Ted: Face the Music’, which will arrive jointly both in cinemas and on video on demand due to the coronavirus pandemic, in addition to returning soon to filming ‘The Matrix 4’.

Written by Cesar Moya