Tom Hiddleston gained popularity in the MCU as Loki, the god of mischief, but the anti-hero has been largely compared to the Joker because of his cynical personality.

Following the same trend, fans have posted on their Instagram account amazing fant art reimagining the star as the Clown Prince of Crime, and the results are incredible.

Recall that Hiddleston will reprise the role as Loki in his upcoming Disney + series.

The plot will follow Loki’s adventures from 2012, and will still be looking to get revenge from his father, who prioritized his Brother Thor. Apparently, the story will modify all the events that we saw in the films, causing a great deal of rampage throughout the journey and creating a dark and obscure timeline.

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Anarchy Graphics

The Loki will debut this fall 2021.

Written by Cesar Moya