This film stars Mark Rylance, Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson, due to the present global health situation, release plans have changed. ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ will be released digitally and not in cinemas.

The first trailer for ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ focuses on a magistrate, played by Mark Rylance in an isolated border settlement that hoped to enjoy relative peace towards retirement, but is interrupted when Colonel Joll, played by Johnny Depp, arrives at the settlement.

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Joll is tasked with documenting on the activities of the “barbarians” and border security, and conducts brutal interrogations.

The magistrate is constantly in conflict with Joll, and in the midst of all this is Officer Mandel, the role of Robert Pattinson, although his role in this conflict is unclear.

It seems that the situation will get quite difficult for the magistrate, who is caught between his loyalty to the empire he has served his entire career and the barbaric things he sees unfolding before him courtesy of Joll.

The release date of ‘Waiting For The Barbarians’ is August 7 and will be a digital release by various movie buying platforms.

Written by Cesar Moya