Life continues to shift awfully rapidly. Nature is beginning to regain its territory through out the cities. Now that we have an apocalypse in our midst, us humans have had to take refuge inside our homes which have become a physical and mental cage for extraverts. Those who do not adapt will likely not procreate: that appears to be the fate of influencers.

The coronavirus has taken a big part of us. Among what is missing, society has depended heavily on, like toilet paper, paper towels and hand sanitizer. We have realized who the real essential personal are, doctors, nurses, truck drivers, IT, and retail workers. Unfortunately, influencers and Tik Tokrs who are able to do none coordinated dance moves that only inspire dunce emotions, do not motivate the living during an apocalypse.

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Without them, the circus must close. Many influencers will try to get a real job like the rest of us, and contribute to society. And perhaps when the world again finds peace, these digital heroes will rule the social networks once more.

Written by Cesar Moya