A man was arrested this afternoon in the sewers of New York city after a frantic persecution where he damaged cement blocks, stole coins along the way and, worst of all, stepped on hundreds of turtles and then used their shell as a weapon overwhelming officers. It is believed that video games are to blame for this.


The man, who came in an altered state of consciousness which medical personnel believed was achieved by eating mushrooms, said he had to defeat a dragon turtle that spits fire to rescue the princess from a kingdom of ferocious, almost human size brown mushrooms that speak. The perpetrator added that his favorite play to watch was “Mama Mia!”

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After his arrest, it was found that the man was heavily influenced by a video game called Mario Bros.

As is known, videogames nullify all decision-making capacity from people and drives them to imitate the behavior of the characters they use.

As suggested this morning by the media of, video games are to blame for absolutely all the ills of society.

It is well known that before video games we lived in a paradise free of hatred and evil. However, everything changed with the launch of Pac-Man in 1980 and from there on, society spiraled down.

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Other games that have caused great trauma to civilization have been Food Fight (1982 Atari), which induced humanity to consume ice cream without control and dodge all kinds of healthy flying fruits and vegetables; Pokemon Go, which introduced the concept of animal exploitation and defended species trafficking, and The Sims, a revolutionary game that gave people crazy ideas like growing up, getting married, reproducing and going to work. How horrific.

It is well known that video games cause strange behavior in people. I, for example, while driving to work, saw a banana skin on the road and instinctively swerved to avoid it. Thanks, Mario Kart!

Written by Cesar Moya