An American artist decorated his home in Dallas for Halloween with such a realistic crime scene that several passers-by called the police after seeing all the “horrors” he has done, reports the Dallas Observer.

A Halloween enthusiast was determined to paint the city red this year, that is, with fake blood, and lots of it. Dissatisfied with just scaring kids off with the old Trick or Treat, a Texas resident decorated his home and made it look like real horror event occurred.

By setting up a fake crime scene worthy of a CSI episode, the owner of the house successfully scared the residents of East Dallas, who quickly called the police after seeing the horrifying scene on the porch of the home.

The corporate, artist Steven Novak who decorated, among other props, a doml stabbed in the head, a doll wrapped in a garbage bag, and one whose head was crushed by a safe, with 20 gallons of blood to complete the scene.

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Typical, that you are celebrating Halloween by simply decorating your house and the police arrive.

Noval told a local outlet, Dallas Observer, that he has always been up to no good during this time of season. Like decorating by using props of flying ghosts or making 7-foot-tall snow sculptures of himself, so if he was going to do something this Halloween, it was obvious that he was going to do something hyper realistic.

“Without lights, smoke machine or something like that, I thought of one thing that would really scare people walking in the dark. So I prepared some mannequins and threw 20 gallons of blood all over the place”, said Novak.

However, this Halloween fanatic now has some unique type of fans: the Dallas Police Department. “The neighbors told me that police cars were in front of my house during the day,” he told local media.

They told him that they thought it was great and that “they were only there because they had to respond to complaints.” Still, even with the incredible spooky decor, Novak vowed to outdo himself next Halloween.

Written by Cesar Moya