One of the most classic films from the 90s, Groundhog Day, which relates the story of a journalist (played by Bill Murray) who ends up being forced to relive the same day over and over in the city of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, now has a series in the works.


Actor Stephen Tobolowsky spoke to the Production Meeting Podcast, and confirmed that there is a series being developed by Sony. Tobolowsky played Ned Ryerson in the first film, an insurance agent who always tries to sell his services to Phil Connors, Murray’s character.

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“There’s talk about a Groundhog Day series in the works. One of the producers – I was working on The Goldbergs or [the spin-off series] Schooled, one of those shows over on the Sony lot, and one of the producers saw me and goes, ‘Oh, Stephen! Stephen! We’re working on a Groundhog Day TV show. Could you be Ned for the TV show?’ I go, ‘Sure. Yeah. No problem.’…But it’s Ned thirty years later. What has his life become?”

For now, we don’t know what the show’s plot will be, and even which characters from the original film will return. However, we are still hyped up about seeing Phil Connors again, perhaps back in Punxsutawney to cover another Groundhog Day, thirty years after the original.

Written by Cesar Moya