Yoda should have been a DJ all along. After being let go from his Jedi job, this short green teacher of the Force has had to find other ways to pay his bills. Especially, the child support payments he owes Yaddle for Baby Yoda. So why not hit the music scene?

The rhythm in this song is actually addicting and you might end up singing it in your head for the rest of the day. Here are the lyrics to help you understand what he is saying, since Yoda sings in reverse.

[Luke Skywalker] I’m not looking for a friend, I’m looking for a Jedi master.
[Yoda] Jedi master! Yoda. You seek Yoda!
[Luke Skywalker] Yoda…

Clear your mind of questions
You must unlearn what you have learned

A Jedi’s strength flows from the Force
That is the way of things

[Chorus: Yoda]
For my ally is the Force
And a powerful ally it is
It’s energy surrounds us, and binds us

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter
You must feel the force around you
Between you, me, the tree

[Chorus: Yoda]
For my ally is the Force
And a powerful ally it is
It’s energy surrounds us, and binds us


Feel the Force…

Adventure – heh. Excitement – heh
A Jedi craves not these things

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For 800 years have I trained Jedi
A Jedi’s strength flows from the Force

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter
You must feel the force around you
Between you, me, the tree

Feel the Force…

You must unlearn what you have learned

Only a fully trained Jedi Knight
With the Force as his ally will conquer Vader
If you choose the quick and easy path
You will become an agent of evil

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter
You must feel the force around you
Between you, me, the tree

[Outro: Yoda]
Soon will I rest
Yes, forever sleep
Twilight is upon me
Soon, night must fall

Written by Cesar Moya