Thanks to the ‘Cobra Kai’ series, the ‘Karate Kid’ franchise got a second chance with a solid fan base, and created a new one. Now, it has been revealed what martial arts Miyagi-do karate is based on, and to the amazement of fans, it is a true fighting style.

Most of the teachings Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) gives to his students in ‘Cobra Kai’, are teachings derived from his sensei, the iconic Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita), who emphasized that all martial arts must work in service of higher philosophical principles.

Now, thanks to the Screen Rant portal, it has been revealed that Miyagi-do karate is actually founded on a martial arts style established on real-life disciplines such as kata and Goju-ryu, both originally from Okinawa.

Even though this was never directly mentioned in the earlier Karate Kid movies, this style called Goju-ryu was created in real life by Master Chōjun Miyagi. The name of this technique refers to the “hard” and “soft” approaches, which according to this style, must always flow together in harmony.

That is why the teachings of this type of Karate are mainly based on balance, which can be seen in the exercises that Miyagi formulated for LaRusso during his youth, and later, as the new sensei, uses to teach his students. The driven discipline, if they do not have balance, they will not be able to perform well in Karate and even less in life.

For now, fans are eager to continue learning from this series and follow the story that has captivated millions of people in the world. That is why Netflix has already announced that the third season of ‘Cobra Kai’ will arrive January 2021, and it has also been revealed that the streaming giant is already working on the fourth season.

Written by Cesar Moya