Deadpool’s third installment is on the way, but fans are concerned about the outcome after Disney acquired the company’s rights. Since then, it is presumed that jokes and violence will undergo a radical change.‌

At the moment, there is no further information on the project and everything seems to indicate that the suspicions will end up being true. In this regard, the co-creator of the antihero, Rob Liefeld, expressed his dissatisfaction with the production.

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Through Instagram, the author shared an explicit image that was sent to him by Blomkvist1010, expressing his dissatisfaction about how little commitment Marvel Studios has given the character. As you can see, Mickey Mouse ends up being one more victim of the character.

Apparently, it was taken down, probably because people thought Rob had created the image himself.

Liefeld also previously revealed that President Kevin Feige has zero plans to work with Deadpool. This explains why a new movie does not even have a release date.

Some sources claim that Disney is considering making a PG-13 rated movie, stepping away from the sadult content and betraying the essence of the character.

At the moment the feature film is in an initial stage of production, it resides pending future company decisions. “I just hope they can fix it. The fans want it ”, expressed the artist.

Written by Cesar Moya