A new school year is among us and we are still full blown in the current pandemic. Due to this fact, the Xavier Institute for the Gifted reported that online classes will continue at a distance until further notice.
Although tbey can summon cosmic forces or become possesed by the all powerful Phoenix, the corona virus does not spare the mutant population. Logan and Deapool are the only would be heroes that have defeated all strains of COVID-19, but they cannot be trusted to give home visits to teach students, since that was one of the ideas presented to Xavier. Wolverine is too impatient and well… Deadpool cannot stay on subject long enough to deliver a complete lesson.
The Xavier Institute, which is also a boarding school, had to adapt to the new online model after students we’re forced to return to their homes during quarantine, even though their parents did not want them there.
For the students who had classes with the principle of the school, Charle Xavier, they were informed that the assignments would be sent telepathically and would also be contacted through Cerebro to make sure that they weren’t cheating on exams.

It was said that the Academy will continue with its remote model until it is safe to return except for children with accelerated regeneration. Teachers asked them to restrain from using their superpowers and avoid at all costs destroying houses or neighborhoods.
Since its inception in the 1960s, the Xavier Institute has helped thousands of mutants with its central campus in Westchester, NY , others, England, Canada and an exchange agreement with Hogwarts, the New Avengers, and the Teletubbies. The academy is the most respected amongst the Mutant Community and most of all, a safe haven for them.
Although we do have to accept that it is difficult to study on campus because the Mansion is constantly blown up and utterly decimated. Other than that, teachers are loving and respected, most importantly, when you graduate you can apply to be part of the X-Men.