Chris Evans is distinguished for playing Captain America in the MCU. However, like many other actors such as Ryan Reynolds, they have played various superheroes throughout their careers. Chris Evans played Human Torch in the 2005 ‘Fantastic Four’ movie, directed by Tim Story. A few days ago, a report was released detailing that Chris Evans could play Human Torch in a cameo for the sequel to Doctor Strange, which will arrive in 2022 if not delayed. As if that were not enough, it is rumored that he might also play Captain Hydra in the film.

These reports are not so far from reality, since Marvel is introducing the Multiverse in the MCU, as we already saw in ‘SpiderMan Far From Home’ with the reprisal of JK Simmons for the role of J. Jonah Jameson. In addition, for several days, word has spread that Jessica Alba could make a cameo in ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ with her former character Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman.

All these cameos could overwhelm the audience, as not everyone knows the former characters of these actors. On the other hand, these reports increase our excitement to see the film. Now we just have to wait for it.

Written by Cesar Moya