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‘The Neverending Story’ Gets A Hilarious Honest Trailer [Video]

Directed by Wolfgang Petersen, the story revolves around the young boy named Bastian, who borrowed a mysterious book, and never would have guessed that when turning the page would be transported to a fantasy world. In this magical book he was able to discover a running snail, gnomes, a Childlike Empress, a Luck Dragon, the… Read more »

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The Goonies and Aliens Join The List of ‘Offensive’ Movies

The protests against racism seen in the United States, which has influenced other countries following the death of George Floyd, have begun to question how offensive some films can be. HBO Max supported the lawsuits by removing the “Gone with the Wind” film, for showing the slavery stage of the United States. This decision lasted… Read more »

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Matrix 4: Keanu Reeves Resumes Filming To Finish The Movie [3 PHOTOS]

The production does not plan to wait any longer to resume filming. New photographs confirmed it continues its shooting despite the pandemic. The fourth installment of The Matrix is one of the most anticipated movies of 2021, as it would bring Keanu Reeves back to his role as Neo. Its filming was interrupted by the… Read more »