Expanded Universe – After having endured innumerable sequels and the Han Solo movie, fans were about to bury Star Wars forever, and just when we were on our way to the cemetery, The Mandalorian dropped and made us believe, have faith, in the saga, once again.

Spoilers Ahead

In the first chapter of The Mandalorian season 2, we return to Tatooine to live an adventure in the purest Western style. This episode was directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man) and the result made us realize and remember that, yes, the protagonist is a true action hero.

The second season of The Mandalorian begins at the point where we left off in the last episode of the first. The bounty hunter Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) has created a clan of two with “The Child” (Baby Yoda) and has sworn that he will return him to his race, safely.

To accomplish this, he is hoping to find more Mandalorians that are scattered throughout the galaxy. That takes him to a dangerous place with spectators and a violent match in a ring. There, they try to steal his armor, but he shows that he is not someone to mess with and gets the information he wants. He must return to Tatooine, since he was told that one of his own lives there, in a town that does not even appear on the maps.

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On the famous desert planet, on the outer rim, there is a man they call Marshall (Timothy Olyphant) who wears the Mandalorian armor of Boba Fett, but it is not actually him, he got those items by trading the Jawas. Since he has no information on who Baby Yoda is, the Mandalorian asks him to give him the armor. After refusing, they ready to battle, but are interrupted by a huge being that devours everything in its path. It is a Krayt dragon, capable of swallowing a Bantha.

To get the armor, the Mandalorian must help kill the monstrous being from the sands. So he travels with the Marshall through the desert of Tatooine until they find some Tusken (dwellers of the sands). Being that they have a common enemy, the townspeople and the Tusken must ally in order to kill the krayt. After an epic fight, the Mandalorian proves that he is an action hero and manages to kill the monster. So he gets the armor and at the very end we see someone watching him. And what a surprise, it is the real Boba Fett played by Temuera Morrison.

The first episode of the second season of The Mandalorian is one of the longest in the entire Disney Plus series, even so, it goes by extremely quickly because it has everything: Action, excitement, an epic battle, in the the purest Star Wars style. Obviously, they have decided to start big and set the tone for what these new episodes will be like. The protagonist still has the entire galaxy to travel and figure out where Baby Yoda is belongs, and we can’t wait to see more.

Written by Cesar Moya