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Movie Theater Is Terrorized With Machetes During A Frozen 2 Screening

West Midlands police warned that a group of young people between the ages of 13 and 19 interrupted a Star City Cinema room located in the city of Birmingham, England, armed with machetes during the premiere of Frozen 2, last Saturday, causing panic between the spectators. The event caused the complex to be evacuated immediately,… Read more »

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Jack Black Believes Nacho Libre Should Join The Avengers

Since the Avengers have more and more members, Jack Black thought it would be a good idea for Nacho Libre to join the team. This was said in an interview and the truth is that it would not be a bad idea. After all, he does have the ability to summon his Eagle Powers. In… Read more »

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Two Paintings That Raise The Question: Supernatural Or Psychological?

These two paintings are Surrounded by urban legends because of the way they were created by their painters. They were the only ones who, over the years, have had their strange background contested by scholars and have become the reason of great scrutiny. The Dead Mother (1899) painting of the notorious artist Edvard Munch, famous… Read more »

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The First Contraceptive Vaccine For Men Will Arrive In 2020

Scientists and researchers belonging to the Indian Medical Council (ICMR) announced that they are working on the first contraceptive vaccine for men and that they planning to launch it in the next seven months. This release date is far ahead of research in the United States and the United Kingdom because the ICMR seems to… Read more »

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First Look At The Battle Between Superman And Dr. Manhattan

Although it is hard to believe, in a couple of weeks DC Comics will finally publish the conclusion of Doomsday Clock. The comic that arises as a sequel to Watchmen has suffered a series of delays since presenting its first issue in November 2017, however, it is finally ready to reveal its end. In that… Read more »

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Science Explains Why We Love Baby Yoda So Much

The cutest thing you can see on the internet these days is Baby Yoda. Almost anyone would give their life for the small delicate Yoda who we saw for the first time in the inaugural episode of The Mandalorian. Something seems to happen to us deeply inside as we see Baby Yoda. It stirs the deepest emotions and brings… Read more »

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Henry Cavill As Superman Could Appear In “Black Adam”

No one has confirmed whether we will see Superman in the Black Adam movie, but the producer says there is a possibility. Much has been said about the failure Warner Bros. and DC has had in trying to emulate something similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With that said, we still have characters like Henry… Read more »

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker The Final Trailer Has Dropped

The final trailer for Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker is, without a doubt, one of the most anticipated in history, because it will give us a few more images of the film that will be the conclusion of the “Skywalker Saga.” This has been one of the most successful stories in cinema. Probably the… Read more »