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Rating Peoples Rooms From Their Video Conference Calls

Video conferencing is the way of the world right now. We are able to see an extent of the home people live in, so why not add a little criticism about their establishment. That’s exactly what this Twitter account has done, and some these posts are chuckle worthy. 1. You can smell the wood. Great… Read more »

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This Photographer Creates Incredible Realistic Images With Action Figures [45 Pics]

Most Nerds like to play with action figures regardless of age. Collecting them and making sure they’re on our hands from the released day has always been a joy. Action figure photographer Johnny, or sgtbananas on Instagram, created these breathtaking images with his toys. What an awesome a hobby that must be. 1. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_AfmZZp7J9/ 2…. Read more »

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45 DC And Marvel Facts You Might Not Be Familiar With

Marvel and DC have been ruling the comic world for years, and comic fans have enjoyed every minute of it. Nerds from these two giant companies have read and seen almost everything they release. Still, there might be a few items on this list of comic facts fans might have overlooked. 1. View post on… Read more »