This is the definition of a Nerd according to

1. A foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.
‘I was a serious nerd until I discovered girls and cars’

1.1 A single-minded expert in a particular technical field.
‘a computer nerd’

Most websites have just about the same definition. We don’t think this definition describes Nerds anymore because Nerd fandoms are more popular than they have ever been.  This world runs on technology now more than ever so you need Nerds to make sure your digital devices do for you what you need. And no, we are not single minded. Do we lack social skills? Of course! Nerds do not sell out to normal social interactive norms. Within our social circles we can be the most outgoing people you can find.

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Our definition of a Nerd is: Someone who is passionate about what they do or like. From academics, to being geeky, gaming, aesthetic, sports. Nerds submerse themselves into what they are passionate about.

Take this quiz to see if you are familiar with most of the stuff Nerds know.

Use code 847067


Written by Cesar Moya