An incredibly talented fan decided to create a trailer for the 1995 film Se7en, inspired by the newly released trailer for The Batman, the next film of the hero starring Robert Pattinson. The result was simply extraordinary.

Since the preview of Batman debuted in DC Fandome, comparisons between the film ‘s plot with the classic David Fincher, Se7en, has yielded discussions on the internet.

Over the course of the 1990s, two detectives (played by Morgan Freemanand Brad Pitt ) investigate a series of murders where the serial killer in question leaves clues to the authorities.

This character is similar to the style of the Riddler, Batman villain who will be played by Paul Dano. In the DC movie trailer, it is evident that he will be leaving riddles in the scenes of his crimes for Batman and Commissioner Gordon to unravel.

This resemblance is what a fan decided to emulate in a new trailer for Se7ven, based off the teaser trailer from Batman.

Although they are very similar, Matt Reeves did not mention Se7ven among the influences for The Batman. According to him, the works that inspired the feature are the films of the 70s, Chinatown, Taxi Driver and The French Connection.

Written by Cesar Moya