The film tells the story of Edward (Johnny Depp), who was created in the laboratory by a scientist who died before completing him. This beloved being ends up in a middle class suburb where he has the most drastic and heart felt adventures. And yes, his hands were made out if giant scissors.


Launched in 1990, Edward was one of the most popular movies responsible for launching Tim Burton to stardom, and ensuring the director’s “signature” and style so well known.

MJJ Productions


This was the first of many Tim Burton films with Johnny Depp. But it was almost completely different: the director wanted Michael Jackson as the protagonist! Really, Michael Jackson?

Warner Bros.


ALMOST MUTE. Edward is a quiet the character. Throughout the film, he speaks only 169 words, Depp’s expressions made up for most of the characters personification.

Warner Bros.


Tim Burton, responsible for Beetlejuice, Big Fish, Alice in Wonderland and several others. He considers Edward Scissor hands his greatest creation.


Tim Burton invited Robert Smith and The Cure to compose the soundtrack. They didn’t know the director, so they refused. Ironically, the vocalist is the personification of a character!

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The cute little houses really exist! The film was made in a neighborhood in Tampa, Florida. But the pastel tones were done by the production team, who painted all the houses while the residents stayed in a hotel.



Edward’s look was inspired by Robert Wiene’s ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’ (1920). It is also a tribute to German expressionism in the 1920s and the silent cinema.

Warner Bros.


This was Tim Burton’s first film starring Johnny Depp which established a long time friendship. The actor appeared in seven other productions by the same director.

Written by Cesar Moya