You may or may not believe in supernatural appearances. However, the truth is that, over the years, some unusual and frightening events have been captured on photos and video, adding to the notion that there is something out there.

1. Ghosts in Ireland

YA college in Ireland is famous for its paranormal events. In one of the videos, what looks like an angry spirit terrified students. The lights blink, the cabinets shake and plates are knocked over while no one is around.

2. Ghost at Pocatello school

The school in Pocatello, here in the US, was the setting of a shooting in which six people died. Since then, reports of paranormal activity have been made concerning this location. In addition to accounts of strange noises, a video shows the lights flashing in a corridor, while a ghostly figure crosses the site and enters one of the classrooms.

3. La Llorona

According to the legend, La Llorona was a mother who drowned her children and committed suicide afterwards. Being cursed because of her actions, she will not rest in peace until she finds the souls of her two children. Still according to the myth, she induces other children to drown in rivers. Many videos have gone viral with witness accounts of seeing this entity.

4. Strange creature on security cameras

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One Sunday morning, Vivian Gomez went to check her security cameras and noticed a strange creature on the footage. Similar to house-elves in Harry Potter, the creature was not seen in the two other cameras on the property. The woman claims that the video has not been edited.


After hearing strange noises in his home, a man decided to take a picture of the region where the sounds were coming from. Suddenly, he saw a dark creature, with a blurred face and two dark eyes staring directly at him! So he abandend this home and went looking for another place to live. Zoomi if you dare.


Written by Cesar Moya